Holden Beach Property Owners Association

Representing the property owners of Holden Beach, NC

Bike Lanes Coming This Fall

Bike lanes are coming this fall to Holden Beach along with the road resurfacing of Ocean Blvd.  There will be a 5′ lane on each side of Ocean Blvd. from the gate on the west end to approximately the Chapel and the lanes will pick up again from approximately Castaways Restaurant to the end of McCray St.  The Town’s portion of the cost will be $723,393.

Certified packages containing the design drawings for the bike lanes have been mailed to approximately 140 property owners located in the Ocean Erodible Area of Environmental Concern.   The letters request these owners to respond within 30 days indicating if they have objections to the proposed project.

Since the design appears to impact every Ocean Blvd. property owner, the vast majority of whom did not receive packages from the Department of Transportation, we have posted the information from the package here.  This information shows the DOT letters, design template, locations of the proposed road centerline, bike lanes and drainage on each property, and various other forms and permits.

The design template shows seven additional feet of road surface on the south side of the road and three additional feet on the north side of the road.  The centerline of the road will be shifted south to allow for a five-foot bike lane on each side of the road.

The links below show the documents contained in the certified packet.

Bike Lane Design Drawings

Bike Lane Design Template

Letters from NCDOT


APPLICATION for Major Development

Type I or Il Categorical Exclusion Action Classification Form

Vicinity Map

Cultural Resources Programmatic Agreement Screening Checklist for Section 106



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